
Marketing Calculators

At MarketingDiscounts.io our favorite calculation is how much money our visitors save. But we like other calculations, too.



Advanced, includes “monthly earnings increase” calculation.

Advanced, includes “monthly earnings increase” calculation.

Basic calculators for bounce rate percentage and total bounces.

How much do you need to sell to stop generating losses?

3 calculators in 1, solve for any CPA-related variable.

3 calculators in 1, solve for any CPA-related variable.

Solve for any CPM-related variable and get in-depth info.

For comparing your options on platforms like Facebook Ads.

Solve for any CTR-related variable. Also includes CTR FAQ.

Calculations for e-commerce or SaaS.

Calculate common metrics such as CPM, CPC, CPA, CTR

Basic calculation, plus how ROAS differs from ROI.

Calculation and explanation to better understand RPV.

What is your potential profitability from CRO?

How much value can you get from a marketing tool?

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