Twitter is one of the most effective social media platforms today, if you are starting with Twitter, it is important for you to understand different terminology and jargons used on Twitter.
So let’s understand each one of them!
1. What is Twitter Handle?
Twitter handle is the username of the account, when you create a Twitter account, you can define your username. For Eg: my personal account username is @raulgadekar and the Twitter handle link is The username has @ before it and is often called as Twitter handle.
You can also define your username with your name but you need to make sure that it’s not taken and it is 15 character of less.
2. What is Mention?
Mention is tagging users in your Tweets or comments on Twitter. If you want to tag someone in a particular tweet, you need to mention their username For Eg: @username and type in the content and tweet it, they will receive a notification.
Mention can be used to build conversations with your audience on Twitter.
3. What is a Hashtag?
Hashtag is used with a # symbol before a word or combination of words, it is used to refer that the tweets are related to a specific topic. Hashtag creates database search on Twitter, which helps you to find conversations related to a specific topic.
Hashtags are used by brand to build conversations about a specific topic, where users can participate and start interacting with the brand.
Eg: Of popular hashtag campaigns, #ShareaCoke by Coca Cola, #WantAnR8 by Audi, #MyCalvins by Calvin Kleins
If you are using hashtag for a particular campaign, you can get the hashtag trending and reach out to the audience on Twitter.
4. What is Retweet?
Retweet also called as RT, is sharing a tweet or reposting a tweet. A person might retweet somebody else’s tweet because the content was valuable or interesting to share.
Retweeting helps to spread message on Twitter. Brands encourage users to retweet, by using a particular hashtag and participate in a contest, which also helps to increase conversations on Twitter.
5. How to Retweet?
Go to a particular tweet and click on the retweet button, refer screenshot below
6. What are Followers on Twitter?
Followers are users who are following your handle.
How to Follow a handle on Twitter?
Go to a specific handle and click on the follow button, refer below screenshot.
7. What is feed on Twitter?
Feed is a list of tweets whom you follow on Twitter. The feed is updated basis Twitter’s algorithm basis different signals including recency, engagement, rich media, location, no of followers etc
It is also called as Twitter news feed
8. What is DM on Twitter?
DM is a direct message. You can send a message directly to your followers message box on Twitter. In order to send the message, it is important that the recipient follows you, only then you can send a direct message to a user on Twitter.
This message is a private message and only two Twitter users can view this.
9. What are Twitter Lists?
Twitter lists are lists of users tweets which you don’t want to miss on Twitter. For Eg: If am following Cristiano Ronaldo and I don’t want to miss his tweets, I can add them in Twitter lists and can view all his tweets.
Twitter lists can be created for multiple handles!
So how to create Twitter Lists?
In order to create Twitter lists, click on the list option on the left hand side and then say create a list.
Once you click on the create a list option, you will see the below screen, where you can define the list name and add a description about the list.
I have defined list name as programmatic because I want to view tweets from specific handles which talk about programmatic advertising.
You can keep the list private or keep it public, I have kept it private because I only want to view it.
Next is to add handles, to the list, I have added one handle, you can add multiple handles to the list.
Once you have added, multiple handles, say done, post that you will see that the list has been created, refer below screenshot.
Now whenever you want to view those handle tweets, just click on the list and you will be able to see all the tweets related to those handles.
10. What are Twitter ads?
Twitter ads are ads on Twitter which includes promoted tweet, trending topic/trending hashtag and promoted account.
Twitter ads are run through Twitter’s advertising platform. These ads are targeting through different targeting methods including behaviour, interest, conversation topics, keywords etc.
To know more about Twitter ads – Refer article Guide to Twitter Advertising
11. What is Trending Hashtag or Trending Topic?
Trending hashtags or trending topics are very important aspect of Twitter channel. Trending hashtag or trending topic, allows you to understand what is trending today in terms of hashtag or a topic.
These trends are defined basis the no of people talking about the topic or hashtag.
Where to view Trending hashtag or trending topic on Twitter?
Trends can be viewed on the right hand side of your screen, you can also view the trends at the city level by clicking on the gear icon on the right hand side.
12. What are promoted Tweets?
Promoted tweets are tweets which are promoted on Twitter with the help of paid advertising.
Below is an example of promoted Tweet.